PKP Preservation Network (Journal Not Found in Keeper's Registry)

I have accepted the terms for depositing our issues on PKP Preservation Network. However, I cannot find our journal on the Keeper’s Registry. Here is the screenshot:

Hello @Jewelle_Olarte,

Which version of OJS are you running (e.g. 3.4.0-5 - please include this in your posts as it helps others with troubleshooting)? Also, what is your journal name and/or ISSN? We can check if it is in the PKP PN. Depending on when you registered for the PKP PN, it can take a little bit of time for it to show up.

PKP Team

Hello. We are using OJS Here’s our journal details:

Name: Romblon State University Research Journal
ISSN 2350-8183 | e-ISSN 2619-7529

Hi @Jewelle_Olarte,

Okay. I see that it’s not showing up just yet - how long ago did you initiate the PKP PN plugin?

PKP Team

We have initiated the plugin last year. Around February.

Hi @Jewelle_Olarte,

There’s something strange going on, the PKP Preservation Network is trying to access this URL from your journal:, which works fine for me, but when the request comes from our server, a lot of unexpected content is returned (e.g. advertisements of clothes).

Jonas Raoni

@Jewelle_Olarte could you check what’s happening?

Jonas Raoni

Hello. I have talked about this with the admin of our website. However, until now, I got no response. Also, our newly published articles this July 2024 was not indexed or cannot be seen on Google scholar. Although our other publications can still be searched. Is it still the same issue with the PKP Preservation Network? I hope you can help me since the admin of our website is unresponsive. Thank you!


Now that issue is not happening anymore, so we can proceed!

Can you ask your hosting provider to share with you the error log from yesterday?

Jonas Raoni