Since last four days, I started getting this PHP warning error message with quite a high frequency. Every singly minute it is appearing twice in error log.
[17-Oct-2020 14:43:33 America/New_York] PHP Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/seisense/journal.seisense.com/cache/t_compile/d184190238979e9322d6f49b1b393713c9f3c084^52019e87b90081f2c6bfa717994d81ab7712dd1f_0.app.frontendcomponentssearchF.php on line 30
I looked into the cache > t_compile for the said PHP file and found the following on line 30
<?php echo parse_str(parse_url($_smarty_tpl->smarty->ext->_capture->getBuffer($_smarty_tpl, 'searchFormUrl'),@constant('PHP_URL_QUERY')),$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['formUrlParameters']->value);?>
Can anyone guide me on this warning, why it started appearing, and how to resolve it?
I am still searching for the solution to this problem. And have searched the forum where people have reported a similarly/same error code. Yet the solutions provided are not helping me out. Like the post below Costume block Manager Blocks cannot be activated after upgrade to OJS - #21 by Felixmail2015.
I have only one language (English) in my settings since the beginning and never changed it for the last three years.
Any expert opinion where to look at for the solution as this error is appearing like 10 to 15 times every minute in my PHP error log.

I have this exact same warning. It would be great to solve as it does fill up the logs very fast.
Hi all,
The warning is cosmetic, but you can silence it by applying the following commit: Resolve "Creating default object from empty value" warning (Smarty co… · pkp/ojs@d876fbc · GitHub
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team