PHP Deprecated: Non-static method PKPApplication

I have installed the OJS, and it was recently transferred to a new subdomain. After, I tried to download some documents inside the system, and I receive the following error:

[25-Sep-2020 12:39:26 UTC] PHP Deprecated: Non-static method PKPApplication::getRequest() should not be called statically in /home/colnesor/ on line 129
[25-Sep-2020 12:39:26 UTC] FileApiHandler: File /home/colnesor/ojsdata/journals/1//articles/2/submission/final/2-1-91-1-6-20200826.docx does not exist or is not readable!
[25-Sep-2020 12:39:26 UTC] ojs2: 500 Internal Server Error

I would appreciate any kind of advice on how to solve this. Regards,

Hi @Carlos_Luis_Gonzalez,

The problem is not the “Non-static method” warning – that is cosmetic. Just below that is this message:

File /home/colnesor/ojsdata/journals/1//articles/2/submission/final/2-1-91-1-6-20200826.docx does not exist or is not readable!

When you moved the journal, did you bring along the contents of the files_dir (as configured in Is that setting configured properly, and does OJS have sufficient file permissions to be able to access its contents?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team