question about design ojs 3 and solution for change direction to rtl
i installed a ojs3 for iranian univercitys
and i can change direction to rtl on submissions page
but i dont can change direction and add css to other page . for example login page
if you want to only switch some of the pages to RTL, you’d have to dig deeper into the HTML structure and edit your CSS accordingly. If you want to change every page to RTL, please have a look at lib/pkp/styles/rtl.css - this is the CSS file used for an Arabic locale right now, turning everything to RTL orientation.
I want when i change my locate frome english to persian , changing css file too
I edited locate.xml on registry folder and add a css file to fa_ir part , but this work just work on submissions page
More page style cant change with this work
again me
when i change language on ojs 3 , in my site has url
when i clicked on button of make submission
in this page ارسال شده | مجله دانشکده دندانپزشکی اصفهان on persian language
make a new submission and view your pending submissions don’t show for me…