yesterday we went live with our first OJS system in a German library. The performance in the Dashboard and the overall navigation performance is fine.
However loading an issue with 24 articles takes around 10 seconds, which is too long.
Our analysis leads more in the direction of SQL database issues and not the webserver. When checking the activities via mysqladmin processlist we see some unclear SQL, which could lead to the error. Especially the Insert and the Rollback.
RAM: first 4 GB, then 8 GB
CPU: first 2 kernels, later 4 kernels
But adding more power did not make a big difference, maybe 1 second.
We have around 270 articles in 19 issues, that are not published yet. We plan to to some update to the recent OJS version in the next weeks, but not sure if this solves the performance issues.
Looking forward for some hints or ideas
Thanks a lot
In addition:
Is SQL database on the same server as the OJS instance and they communicate through localhost?
Are there any custom modifications of OJS code or non-official plugin installed?
thanks a lot for your answers. These are highly appreciated.
We checked all the questions and ideas we got from you, but in the beginning nothing helped. In the end we did the update to the last ojs3.2-stable (3.2.1-4) and this solved the issue