Hello! Friends, will you know of any standard or recommendation on the ideal size of PDF files for OJS?
The most common size in Europe and much of the world is A4 - 210mm x 297mm. In the US it’s Letter: 8.5" x 11".
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Thank you very much for the answer, I think I asked my question wrongly. I was referring to the size of the file as MB.
You will be able to upload full issue PDFs that are over 200 pages as well as Galley PDF’s of that size.
Kind Regards,
Patricia M.
Public Knowledge Project Intern
Thank you very much for the reply. Look I’m going to exemplify well: I have a paper whose PDF is 161 MB and 22 pages. Which reads very well and is in high quality, but I think it can be a bit slow for downloading or viewing in OJS. If I compress the file, it drops to 28MB, but its resolution is not as good, any recommendation or standard to be able to balance the quality and weight of the file?