Pdf load issues

Hello, I uplaoded ojs files from local installation to the server including data folder and database. I connected that in config.inc.php and I can see site normally

data folder is out of public_html and does have permissions 0755
We put that readers should be logged in in order to see pdf files. When I am logged in and click on pdf label I got error message
PDF.js v1.0.907 (build: e9072ac)
Message: stream must have data

I see nornally pdf files on my local installation.

I disabled now need to login to see pdf files but still I get the same error message.

Please advise

I realized that wne unpacking archive with data when I moved it to the server unpacking process created subfloder with the same name.
The folder ojsdata… was subfolder of ojsdata instead that its folders are directly in ojsdata.
When I moved files to the above folder pdf files showed up properly.

Maybe this will help someone.

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