PDF link and sidebar not working after updation to 3.0.1

Here is my website, please have a look International Journal of Research and Engineering
I had updated as per instruction of PKP website but after updation:

  1. old archives - papers “PDF” link is not working.
  2. Sidebars not showing

please help me to resolve the issue at the earliest.

Dr. R.K. Jain


I can see your sidebar just fine, it has the Make a submission -button there. Also, I can open you PDF’s. Maybe clearing your browser cache could help?

  1. You may have checked recent issue which i again added pdf file, please check old archives is really big for which i am unable to make pdf upload for individual file one by one to fix.

  2. One and only “Make a Submission” button is working in sidebar, what to do and how to fix.



A general question: what kind of upgrade did you do? Did you upgrade from 2.x to 3.0.1?

  1. Check your error log, what does it say after you try to open a pdf?

  2. Do you see other sidebar blocks in Settings->Website->Appearance->Sidebar management. If not, are the sidebar blocks enabled in plugin settings?

Dear sir,
Thank you for your reply.

  1. Where is option to see error log to fix the pdf connection?
  2. IN sidebar, only Block Plugins working others are not working. What should i do for Web Feed Plugin to display in sidebar area?


I would be appreciated, if anyone resolved this cause.


See more extensive discussion on this here: