PDF galleys keep getting removed randomly

PDFs of some articles in a published issue keeps getting deleted/removed. This seems to happen randomly, in current and past issues. Even after editing the affected submissions and reuploading the removed PDFs, some still get removed after some time.

When an affected submission is viewed from the dashboard, the galley created is still there but without the PDF file.

Website running OJS with Manuscript child theme.

This has been happening for a year now. How can this be fixed please?
See the attached screenshots below.


I have seen cases where PDFs were not displayed in published editions when they were linked to “Article Components” of the “supplementary files” type.

I suggest comparing the article component associated with a PDF galley that is being displayed with one that is not.

We usually make sure to set the “Article Components” type to “Article text” before publishing.

The PDF galleys of the affected articles do show immediately after publishing them, but they somehow get removed after some time (days).

Hi @supreme,

That’s very odd behaviour and hard to guess what’s happening from here – but as a start, I’d recommend upgrading to the latest 3.4.0-x release. A lot of bugs have been fixed since 3.4.0-3.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team