I am using OJS version
I encountered a problem where I have 3 journals in one OJS call it A, B, C. Journal A & B has a downloadable pdf counter which works fine while my problem is in journal C where the download pdf counter doesn’t work properly. We’ve made changes to articel_summary.tpl but nothing has happened
{translate key=“article.abstract”} views: {$article->getViews()}
{assign var=galleys value=$article->getGalleys()}
{if $galleys}
{foreach from=$galleys item=galley name=galleyList}
{if ($galley->getGalleyLabel()) == 'PDF'}
<img src="/public/site/pdfview.png">
{if ($galley->getGalleyLabel()) == 'ePuB'}
<img src="/public/site/epubView.png">
{if ($galley->getGalleyLabel()) == 'XML'}
<img src="/public/site/xml-view.png">
{$galley->getGalleyLabel()|escape} Sabda : {$galley->getViews()}
{call_hook name="Templates::Issue::Issue::Article"}
can you guys help me to find out where my problem is?
Thank You