Paypal Payment Method is not appearing

The Paypal payment method is not appearing

I have installed omp 3 and added Paypal payment conditionals, But when I am going to Set Terms for Downloading, there are no option for Paypal. could you please help me with that?

Hello @varnic,

Please note the specific version of OMP (e.g. 3.3.0-13). And, it would be helpful if you could also indicate the specific version # of the paypal plugin that you’re using, as well.

PKP Team

I am using stable-3_3_0 version of omp.
I can’t find the version of Paypal I am using.
here are my steps so far:

1- I have enabled these two plugins:

2- I went to Settings> Distribution > Payments and enabled payment, as well as the Paypal method.

3-at the end of the page, I have added my Paypal information

4- In the Submission > Publication > Publication Formats I have added my files Approved and made them available.

But the problem was here when I wanted to Set Terms for Downloading. there are 3 options available, But Paypal.

Hi @varnic,

I’m not entirely sure what’s happening here, but I’ll see if someone from our team can assist when they are available.

PKP Team

Hi @varnic,

When you’ve configured payments to use the PayPal plugin, when someone tries to read a book that requires direct sales (as you’ve configured in the other screenshot), they’ll be sent to PayPal to fulfill the payment. It looks like things are configured OK from your screenshots.

If you’re getting access to the book without having to pay, make sure you aren’t logged in as a “privileged” user like an editor, manager, or admin. Those users implicitly get access to content without having to pay.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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