We are receiving notification from OJS of paypal transactions in Russian. I have no problem with Russian except that I cannot read it!
Is there a setting that needs to be tweaked somewhere? Details below. I hope I have redacted the appropriate details. Thanks!
Система Open Journal Systems помітила незвичайну
активність у функціонуванні модуля
платежів PayPal журналу Journal of XXX.
Може знадобитись подальше вивчення цього
питання або ручне втручання.
Цей лист створений модулем PayPal системи Open
Journal Systems.
Повна інформація про запит:
[txn_type] => new_case
[payment_date] => 05:21:16 Jul 25, 2017 PDT
Richard A. DeVito Jr.
Weston Medical Publishing, LLC, 470 Boston Post Road, Suite 301, Weston, MA 02493 USA radjr@pnpco.com - 781-899-2702 ext. 107 - 781-899-4900 fax
Join us at the 2018 International Conference on Opioids, June 10-13, 2018 www.opioidconference.orghttp://www.opioidconference.org/
I have a vague recollection of this as an old OJS bug that has been fixed, but a quick scan through Bugzilla and Github didn’t turn it up. I have a strong suspicion that this would be resolved if you ran a more recent release.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I believe this is the latest non-3.0 release out there. My note was incorrect, we are at Thanks
Richard A. DeVito Jr.
Weston Medical Publishing, LLC, 470 Boston Post Road, Suite 301, Weston, MA 02493 USA radjr@pnpco.com - 781-899-2702 ext. 107 - 781-899-4900 fax
Join us at the 2018 International Conference on Opioids, June 10-13, 2018 www.opioidconference.orghttp://www.opioidconference.org/
It looks like your journal configuration is for English-only, correct? Can you verify that the PAYPAL_INVESTIGATE_PAYMENT email template has English-language text in the “Prepared Emails” area of Journal Management?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Which translates to:
Open Journal Systems saw an unusual activity in the PayPal Payments module functioning in the journal {$ journalName}. Further study of this issue or manual intervention may be required.
This letter is created by PayPal module Open Journal Systems.
Full request information:
{$ PostInfo}
Additional information (if available):
{$ AdditionalInfo}
Server data:
{$ ServerVars}
Using the reset button does not reset the message.