Paypal message responses from OJS in Russian

We are receiving notification from OJS of paypal transactions in Russian. I have no problem with Russian except that I cannot read it!

Is there a setting that needs to be tweaked somewhere? Details below. I hope I have redacted the appropriate details. Thanks!

Система Open Journal Systems помітила незвичайну
активність у функціонуванні модуля
платежів PayPal журналу Journal of XXX.
Може знадобитись подальше вивчення цього
питання або ручне втручання.

Цей лист створений модулем PayPal системи Open
Journal Systems.

Повна інформація про запит:
[txn_type] => new_case
[payment_date] => 05:21:16 Jul 25, 2017 PDT

Hi @radjr,

What version of OJS are you asking about? (Please include this information in your posts.)

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Richard A. DeVito Jr.
Weston Medical Publishing, LLC, 470 Boston Post Road, Suite 301, Weston, MA 02493 USA - 781-899-2702 ext. 107 - 781-899-4900 fax
Join us at the 2018 International Conference on Opioids, June 10-13, 2018

Hi @radjr,

I have a vague recollection of this as an old OJS bug that has been fixed, but a quick scan through Bugzilla and Github didn’t turn it up. I have a strong suspicion that this would be resolved if you ran a more recent release.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

I believe this is the latest non-3.0 release out there. My note was incorrect, we are at Thanks

Richard A. DeVito Jr.
Weston Medical Publishing, LLC, 470 Boston Post Road, Suite 301, Weston, MA 02493 USA - 781-899-2702 ext. 107 - 781-899-4900 fax
Join us at the 2018 International Conference on Opioids, June 10-13, 2018

Although it’s irrelevant, that’s Ukrainian language, not Russian :slight_smile:

Hi @radjr,

It looks like your journal configuration is for English-only, correct? Can you verify that the PAYPAL_INVESTIGATE_PAYMENT email template has English-language text in the “Prepared Emails” area of Journal Management?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks. This is how the email is in the editor.

??? Open Journal Systems ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? PayPal ??? {$journalName}. ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???.

??? ??? ??? ??? PayPal ??? Open Journal Systems.
??? ??? ??? ???:
??? ??? (??? ???):
??? ???:

Which translates to:
Open Journal Systems saw an unusual activity in the PayPal Payments module functioning in the journal {$ journalName}. Further study of this issue or manual intervention may be required.

This letter is created by PayPal module Open Journal Systems.
Full request information:
{$ PostInfo}
Additional information (if available):
{$ AdditionalInfo}
Server data:
{$ ServerVars}

Using the reset button does not reset the message.

Richard A. DeVito Jr.

Hi @radjr,

I’m not sure what’s going on there. I’d suggest entering the default text for the template, as available here: ojs/emailTemplates.xml at ojs-stable-2_4_8 · pkp/ojs · GitHub

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Google translation showed it was russian!

It is surprising how Google can be wrong :slight_smile: