Page numbers? where?

Hello everyone.
how and where should I insert page numbers?
thank you!

Are you working with OJS or OMP? Can we presume you are wanting to add page numbers to the Table of Contents and to the metadata?

sorry, my mistake, we are using OJS, and if we are wanting to add page numbers to the Table of Contents and to the metadata.
thank you very much again

You’ll find this in the Table of Contents in the Issue in recent versions of OJS. Assuming you are working on publishing a new issue, as an Editor:
User Home → Editor → Future Issues → (Select an Issue) - > Table of Contents
Next to each article is a field for the page numbers.

is true, thank you for help me

Dear, I could not find page numbers field in

User Home → Editor → Future Issues → (Select an Issue) - > Table of Contents
Next to each article.

Hi @SuhailSarwar,

Check your settings in Journal Setup step 4, under “Page Number Option”.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

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Thanks Dear Alec Smecher,
This solved my problem.

Prof. Dr. Suhail Sarwar
Eye Surgeon, Lahore.

I was also having this problem and this solved it.

Thanks Dear @asmecher


Working with OJS 2.4.8, I am uploading backfile articles via Quick Submission Plug-in.

In the Table of Contents I can insert page numbers for an article, but page numbers are neither displayed in the metadata of the article (e.g. Home > User > Editor > Submissions > #2 > Summary) nor on the article’s landing page (e.g. Home > No 1 (2006) > Author1) … although for many journals page numbers are an essential part of article metadata in common understanding.

How to display page numbers as a component of article metadata?

Dear @Gerwin,
In the setup (consisting of 5 steps), there you need to tick a box to enable page numbering in table of content.
Then you will be able to add page numbers for each articles in table of content.


Thank you, anupent.
Alas, this does not solve the problem, which is: “… page numbers are neither displayed in the metadata of the article (e.g. Home > User > Editor > Submissions > #2 > Summary) nor on the article’s landing page (e.g. Home > No 1 (2006) > Author1) …”

Please how can I edit the page number of articles on OJS after publishing the issue?

Sir, this is not working on OJS 3.0.1
Please how can I edit the page number of published articles

Hi @oyeniyi_sk,
You open the editorial work flow of the article.
Click the “Production” tab. On the right hand side there is a button “Schedule for publication”. Press that.
In the new window, edit the “Pages” info.

Regards, @anupent

Thank you I have been able to resolve it

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In OJS 3, unable to edit page no. of published paper. Please help