Page numbers not visible in Google Scholar

Dear, I have inserted page numbers of my articles.
login > back issues > Volume no. > page numbers > Save.
When I search any article in Google Scholar say this article “Prevalence of Ocular Trauma in Different Age Groups And Gender Presenting At Nishtar Hospital Multan”.
URL: Google Scholar
My article comes in search. When I click “Cite” under my article a small window pops up with references in different formats. Non of them show page numbers there. It says like this.

Chaudhry MA, Raza I, Ahmad N. Prevalence of Ocular Trauma in Different Age Groups And Gender Presenting At Nishtar Hospital Multan. Ophthalmology Pakistan. 2016 Apr 1;6(02).

You can see at the end of reference page numbers are missing. In this case it is 7-10.

Hi @Suhail_Sarwar,

You may need to contact Google Scholar for clarity on this. It’s fairly opaque to us.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thanks for your recent email to Google Scholar. We’ve included answers to a number of frequently asked questions in our response below. If you have a question or concern that is not addressed by these answers, please reply to this email for further assistance.

Adding content to Google Scholar:
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Detailed guidelines for publishers and other websites can be found below.

Incorrect bibliographic information in Google Scholar results:
Please click on the erroneous result and contact the owner of the website where we found it. Please ask them to follow the technical guidelines below to help fix the indexing of their articles.

I can’t find my paper anymore! My citation count has gone down!
That can happen because we index scholarly articles available to us on the Web, and the Web changes. Chances are that some website that used to host your paper or papers that cite it no longer do so. Please contact your publisher about adding your papers or correcting their bibliographic data. Unfortunately, we’re unable to include papers that are no longer available on the Web.

Two of my papers are listed as one… Some citations aren’t counted…
Please reply to this message with detailed examples of the problem. Please include the queries you used as well as the specific articles in question. Google Scholar is based on automated indexing algorithms. We’re unable to make individual changes, but specific examples will help improve the automated techniques and will result in improved results for all users.

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Feature requests and suggestions:
We are actively developing new features for Google Scholar. We take note of all feedback that we receive and add some of the ideas to our growing list of feature requests. Although we are unable to respond to every suggestion, we will be sure to email you if we have follow-up questions. We’re working hard to provide easy access to scholarly literature, and your feedback will assist us in improving this program.

If you continue to have questions or concerns about Google Scholar, please reply to this email and one of our specialists will assist you.

Hi Team all my article are not appearing in google scholar