Don’t ask me why, but my university is paying for this plagiarism software: http://www.urkund.com
The point is they like to integrate this in OJS so I started to look if somebody did this work before.
The only former work I found is: RELIEVE - Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa
It looks like a simple “custom block” publishing instructions to “send me the paper by mail and I will check your doc against urkund in your behalf”. I mean, it’s not what I expect when I’m talking about “integration”.
I didn’t though much about this (is a new request) but I imagine plagiarism check make sense when you are reviewing the articles or even before… when the editor decides if it need to be accepted.
¿Did somebody know about any other module integrating urkund in OxS?
Thanks in advance for your time,