When I register new user , the email acknowledgement is not delivered to out of domain email ids and is filtered as SPAM. If the recipient is with in the domain ex; name@myjournal.com gets delivered .
Home > User > Journal Management > Enrollment ->username → Send mail doesn’t send any mails
Stack Trace:
File: /home/scholaro/public_html/lib/pkp/classes/mail/PKPMailTemplate.inc.php line 237
Function: Mail->send()
File: /home/scholaro/public_html/classes/mail/MailTemplate.inc.php line 172
Function: PKPMailTemplate->send(True)
Starting with OJS 2.4.6, there are some improvements to OJS’s mail sending habits to better conform with Sender Protection Framework (SPF) guidelines. However, it’s possible for OJS’s emails to still get flagged as spam, and that’s unfortunately out of OJS’s control. You can generally check the email’s headers in the spam folder to see why it was flagged. However, your OJS mail delivery configuration is correct if any mail gets through.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
To better comply with Sender Protection Framework (SPF) mail server rules, we had to change the way OJS deals with emails. Not complying with SPF was resulting in messages getting flagged as spam.
Basically, with the new changes, all messages have the journal’s contact information in the “From” field, and the “sender” in the “reply-to” field. The message header should explain that the message is being sent on the journal’s behalf, but isn’t necessarily from the journal’s editor or manager.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I am having a similar problem with OJS The emails sent through PHP mail() fail SPF (none) and marked as spam for the recipients in Hotmail and Gmail, while the emails sent through Outlook (IMAP) always pass SPF.
My sender address through PHP mail() is editor@myjournaldomain.com as how it should be and stated in the journal’s contact information.
I have no idea what is wrong with PHP mail(). Can you please provide a clue ?