Orignal File Name on Hover

OJS 2.4.8-2

Is it possible to show the original file name of the document, when hovering over the OJS file name?

Reason for request:
As an Editor, it would make revisions received from author easier to identify which version is which … without having to download each manuscript first.

Example would be:
OJS Naming: 771-5224-2-RV.DOC
Original Naming when to hover: Revised Version.docx

Hi @tretief,

We’re not making many further improvements to OJS 2.x, especially regarding UI/UX – as we’re focusing on OJS 3.x. However, if you have some web development experience, perhaps I could suggest where to start?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher

It is understandable, it would be great if you can suggest the starting point.

Regards, Trudie

Hi @tretief,

I’d suggest searching through the template files for places where dowload links are coded:

$ fgrep -l  downloadFile `find . -name \*.tpl` 

A typical example of one of these is…

<a href="{url op="downloadFile" path=$submission->getId()|to_array:$layoutFile->getFileId()}" class="file">{$layoutFile->getFileName()|escape}</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;{$layoutFile->getDateModified()|date_format:$dateFormatShort}

Here you have an object called $layoutFile. You can get the original filename from this using the getOriginalFileName function.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team