The ordering arrows on the Presentations list under Submissions do not work on OCS. I assume you click once and the presentation moves one up or down, but they just randomly move the presentations. Please advise? Thanks!
Hi Alec. I’m using Open Conference Systems Thanks! Freyni
Hi Alec, do you have any possible solutions for me? Thanks, Freyni
Hi @Freyni,
Please be patient; we’re a small team and can’t always get to your posting within a day or two.
Try applying the patch linked here:
Once applied, you’ll be able to click the “Track” column to sort by track. Thereafter the ordering arrows should work as expected. There’s a bit more detail on this in the linked issue.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thank you!! Will try to do this and let you know. I’ll be patient from now on
Hi Alec - just a update that the patch worked, thank you!
I am also dealing with ordering issues in the accepted submissions paper list in director’s page. The conference director wants papers to be sorted by author’s last name. So, we tried doing this by, firstly, sorting papers by a single track and secondly, clicking in “Author”'s link placed in head of the column and then, papers get ordered by author’s last name. However, this change does not affect the Presentation and Author’s page (schedConf/presentations) available for readers.
Is there anyway to automatically order paper by author’s last name in each track? Since, doing this by clicking on the up/down arrows would be too time-consuming. There are 310 accepted papers in the conference.
I implemented the patch mentioned in this post (github issue #1193) but did not worked for that.
Is it too tricky to implement the drag-and-drop tool for this table? As seen elsewhere in the OxS environment?
Hi @mendesrocha,
Apologies for the delay in responding. We’re determining what to do about OCS – please consider filling out this survey – but for the moment it’s not getting a lot of attention. (My preference would be for us to determine what OCS provides that’s not already met by other parts of the free software ecosystem – hence the survey – and if they’re sufficient, to consider tackling an OJS 3.0-style rewrite, but that’ll have major resourcing implications.)
Meanwhile, perhaps the best way to easily do what you want is to work with the database directly. You can probably accomplish the sorting you want with a single UPDATE
query. The seq
column of each table determines sequencing of papers, tracks, etc.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher ,
I’ve shared the survey with the heads of a couple of scientific association im Brazil that depend on OCS. They are looking forward to OCS resume its development.