I need to expose ORCID id via OAI-PMH.
I’d ask what’s the better way to do this or if there already is.
Could it be considered an implementation via RIOXX ?
I need to expose ORCID id via OAI-PMH.
I’d ask what’s the better way to do this or if there already is.
Could it be considered an implementation via RIOXX ?
Hi @atarix,
We don’t have an RIOXX profile for OJS, but would certainly consider integrating one if you were able to contribute it. Off the top of my head, I’m not sure whether there’s a standard way to add ORCID information to the existing metadata formats, but I’m open to proposals.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Implementing an RIOXX profile orcid can be added like this:
<rioxxterms:author id="http://orcid.org/0000-0002-1395-3092">
Lawson, Gerald
But I don’t know if this is a good solution for OJS
Hi @asmecher
I recognise this question is about two years old now, so just wanted to check if there have been any developments since that would enable exposing ORCID IDs of authors via OAI-PMH in OJS v3.1.2. This would be extremely useful for us.
Hi @reagan,
Do you have a recommendation/reference for where the ORCIDs should be placed in the various metadata formats (primarily DC, but also Marc/MarcXML and RFC1807)?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
A quick search on the ORCID forum produced Why isn’t there more metadata in the ORCID record? Do you support Dublin Core? – ORCID, which does indicate that “Dublin Core and other metadata schema do include fields for storing ORCID identifiers” but a search online yielded little to no information. Sorry, my expertise here is very limited.
Hi @reagan,
What is your use case, i.e. what tool will be consuming the OAI-PMH data, and in what format? This might guide the approach.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Ah yes. I should probably have mentioned. I’m looking to harvest metadata from my OJS site into a DSpace collection. The DSpace repository would also have other collections with articles published by authors identified by their ORCID IDs. It would be great if the ORCID IDs of the articles harvested from OJS could also be displayed, so that articles published by an author (with a specific ORCID ID) could be searched for over all collections (local and harvested).
From a look at the DSpace documentation, it appears that it uses the field “ORCID:dc.contributor.author” to store the author’s ORCID ID, but it appears to not be a standard DC field.
Hi @reagan,
A quick bit of Googling seems to confirm what you’ve found – that the oai_dc
metadata profile doesn’t support ORCIDs. See e.g.: ORCID - EPrints Documentation
You could customize the DC interface away from the standard, or create another profile (as suggested above), but I don’t think those are good standards-based approaches. Is it an option to use another metadata format that does cleanly support ORCID?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
Apologies again for the delayed response to this. We don’t see any issues in using another metadata format that does support ORCID. Our only limitation right now is the technical knowhow on implementing and using another format to successfully harvest metadata in DSpace from our OJS site. If you could point us to any documentation or resources to accomplish this, it would be much appreciated.
Warm Regards
Hi @reagan,
Can you clarify what formats your DSpace installation will accept data in via OAI-PMH?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
The available options are as follows:
“DSpace Intermediate Metadata” appears to be some custom metadata format (not entirely sure).
Hi @reagan,
I think you’re going to have to start by figuring out what DSpace can do for import formats that support ORCID, and then check on OJS from there. The custom format won’t be a good prospect and I’d guess that neither of the DC formats support ORCIDs (though I could be wrong).
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher
Thanks for your advice and guidance regarding this. We did not think this would be so complicated when we got into it. We’ll explore a few options and see how it works out.