(Love the new forum format!)
At UTS ePRESS we are really keen to implement ORCID registration into our author submission workflow. We currently run on OJS 2.4.3 and are looking forward to the release of OJS 3.0.
Will OJS 3.0 have the ORCID id registration workflow integrated into the author submission process?
I had a look at the “Integration Chart” here: http://orcid.org/organizations/integrators but couldn’t see PKP on the list.
If you aren’t doing anything with ORCID could you let me know so we can go ahead with implementing the ORCID registration into our workflows?
Many thanks and regards,
Hi @ScottAbbott,
Recent releases of OJS allow authors and users to specify ORCiDs as part of their user profiles, though we don’t guide the author through an ORCiD registration process if they don’t have one yet. We’re open to ideas if you have specific ORCiD requirements in mind. We’ll be relying on tools like ORCiD more in the future e.g. to disambiguate authors.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks @asmecher.
Which version of OJS provides the ORCID field in the author profile/submission process?
Hi @ScottAbbott,
I believe this was introduced with OJS 2.4.4.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Great, thank you @asmecher
Hi @asmecher,
We have OJS 2.4.6 on our dev server and I was just trying out the new ORCID functionality. I added an ORCID id to my author profile as directed but could not see in the article metadata or under the author’s name, the ORCID id.
Could you tell me when it will be possible (or if it is possible now) how to make the author name, under an article’s title, hyperlinked so that the ORCID id and/or email is shown or else if the author’s ORCID id/email will appear alongside or under the author’s name automatically?
Many thanks,
Hi @ScottAbbott,
To do this, you’d need to find the template that presents the author information on the reader interface. That’s templates/article/article.tpl
<div id="authorString"><em>{$article->getAuthorString()|escape}</em></div>
You’ll need to convert this to a loop so you have better control over its presentation. Something like this:
<div id="authorString">
{foreach name="authors" from=$article->getAuthors() item=author}
<div class="authorName">{$author->getFirstName()|escape}{if $author->getMiddleName() != ""} {$author->getMiddleName()|escape}{/if} {$author->getLastName()|escape}</div>
Inside the loop you can get the ORCiD (if it exists) using {$author->getData('orcid')|escape}
Some of this is Smarty syntax for escaping special characters, etc., but you should be able to squint past those. Let me know if you’d like more information.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Will OJS version 3.0 meet these ORCID implementation standards? https://orcid.org/content/mandating-orcid-publication-workflows-open-letter e.g. use the ORCID API so that authors do not have to type in their ID and update Crossref DOI metadata with ORCID IDs. Or should I add this as a feature request? 
@ScottAbbott has UTS progressed developing anything?
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Hi @griffith,
We haven’t done any more as yet but are watching keenly for a response to your query re ORCID and OJS 3.0.
We would also like to make ORCID functionality a required step in our submission workflows asap.
Hi all,
We haven’t done any integration with the ORCiD API yet, but would be very interested in working towards it, particularly if others are interested in pitching in. ORCiDs can already be entered by authors/users as part of their profile, and as an intermediate step, making those fields required would be a trivial modification.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team