I am working with IUPUI on their ORCID plugin for OJS. They are currently using the ORCID public API. Their OJS instance and plugin appear to be up-to-date, and they have registered their base URL as the redirect URI. The plugin settings are configured correctly. However, they are still getting a redirect error. According to the new ORCID plugin documentation, the redirect they are using should work. I just need to know what redirect URI they need to use so they don’t get the error. Here are the details:
ORCID Plugin version:
OJS version:
Redirect URI registered with ORCID client credentials: https://journals.iupui.edu
Redirect URI listed in the Authorization URL: redirect_uri=https:%2F%2Fjournals.iupui.edu%2Findex.php%2Fadvancesinsocialwork%2Forcidapi%2ForcidAuthorize%3FtargetOp%3Dregister
Error message when trying to authenticate ORCID: Error: The provided redirect URI https://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/advancesinsocialwork/orcidapi/orcidAuthorize?targetOp=register does not match the redirect URIs registered by IUPUI Open Access Journals.