ORCID problems on OJS 3


I have OJS with enabled and configured ORCID plugin. User registration works well when using English locale. But when switching to Slovene I get following problem (https://obzornik.zbornica-zveza.si/index.php/ObzorZdravNeg/user/register):

I have the same version on some other installations where everything works fine. I have investigated the problem a bit more and found following difference between English and Sloven rendering (HTML):


<form class="cmp_form register" id="register" method="post" action="https://obzornik.zbornica-zveza.si/index.php/ObzorZdravNeg/user/register">
<script type="text/javascript">

function openORCID() {
var oauthWindow = window.open(“https://orcid.org/oauth/authorize?client_id=APP-V8989KR8NK4OJA20&response_type=code&scope=/authenticate&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fobzornik.zbornica-zveza.si%2Findex.php%2FObzorZdravNeg%2Forcidapi%2ForcidAuthorize%3FtargetOp%3Dregister%26params%3D”, “_blank”, “toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, width=500, height=600, top=500, left=500”);
oauthWindow.opener = self;
return false;


<form class="cmp_form register" id="register" method="post" action="https://obzornik.zbornica-zveza.si/index.php/ObzorZdravNeg/user/register">
    <input type<script type="text/javascript">

function openORCID() {
var oauthWindow = window.open(“https://orcid.org/oauth/authorize?client_id=APP-V8989KR8NK4OJA20&response_type=code&scope=/authenticate&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fobzornik.zbornica-zveza.si%2Findex.php%2FObzorZdravNeg%2Forcidapi%2ForcidAuthorize%3FtargetOp%3Dregister%26params%3D”, “_blank”, “toolbar=no, scrollbars=yes, width=500, height=600, top=500, left=500”);
oauthWindow.opener = self;
return false;

Please notice the <input type that is just before the ORCID script and shouldn’t be in the Slovene version. I am guessing the problem is in the file plugins/generic/orcidProfile/OrcidProfilePlugin.inc.php , function profileFilter, which inserts the ORCID registration script in the base registration form. I believe something goes wrong there and the ORCID registration script is inserted on wrong place, thus leaving the problematic in the HTML.

Please let me know if my assumptions can be correct and if you have any ideas how to solve it.

Regards, Primož


meanwhile I got some help and solved the issue. The problem was withe the mbstring.func_overload setting. After changing it from 6 to 0 the problem disappeared.

Regards, Primož