ORCID CreDiT project implemenation

Regarding the ORCID CreDiT project, I’d would ask if OJS has some implementations that add the ability to assign open badges to recognize the author’s specific role in writing the article (e.g. who wrote it, who made the revisions, etc.)

Here an open source that provide Open Badge issuing and management.

Should it be useful and interesting an integration with OJS like described in this issue?


Hi @atarix,

I’m aware of other “badge” initiatives, like COS. I don’t know of any integrations with OJS, though we would be interested in talking about it. Generally speaking, we’d like to connect with other groups e.g. ORCiD to provide biographical information and identity-based credit – as a distributed project (hosted on thousands of servers by thousands of organizations), we don’t have a comprehensive database of activities that individuals perform.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team