ORCID Authorization Error

Hi everyone
When I try to publish an article and press on “Schedule for Publication” button this message appeared.

“The following requirements must be met before this can be published.
Unauthenticated ORCIDs for contributors detected.”

I click on the contributors part and click the check box in ORCID Authorization part for sending authorization link to the author…
“ORCID Authorization
Send e-mail to request ORCID authorization from contributor”

when author wants to verify the authorization link this error appears on orcid site:

"Error: The provided client id is invalid.
You have reached this page due to an error with the application’s integration. Please report this error to the organization that is requesting your ORCID iD.
invalid_client / Client not found:
can anyone help me?

Hi @monirehbastami,

Can you please indicate which version of the ORCID plugin and which specfic version of OJS you are using (e.g. 3.3.0-13)?

Thank you,

PKP Team

thanks for your attention
v 3.4.0-1

And which version of the ORCID plugin (you can check this in the plugin gallery)?

PKP Team

I use OJS version and orcidProfile-v1_1_2-28 (version suitable for OJS 3.2) and I have the same problem, I thought it was only a problem of older versions of OJS.

There is a discussion in Git Hub, I do not know if the discussions should be done in GitHub or in this forum.

In the discussion, a person found a temporal solution to the problem, maybe it helps you too. I am still trying if it works in my journals.

Isn’t the proper solution, but to have still working you can change this line:


define('ORCID_API_URL_PUBLIC', 'https://pub.orcid.org/');


define('ORCID_API_URL_PUBLIC', 'https://orcid.org/');

and it will work (you may need to save plugin configs at the interface after this change - save without change anything).
But I think this isn’t the proper fix. Perhaps a better one include allowing the plugin to handle specific ORCID redirects.

Hello @RCUB,

Thank you for the additional information. @Dulip_Withanage: are you able to speak to this?

PKP Team

Thanks for this report.

The reason for these errors was a recent renaming of the Orcid.org public API URL.

We have released an update for all major releases to reflect the changes in the Orcid API URL.

Please install the plugin for your OJS version from the OJS Plugin Gallery.

System: OJS/OPS 3.4
Plugin version:
URL: Release Change the public API URL and add redirection · pkp/orcidProfile · GitHub

System: OJS/OPS 3.3 (LTS rlease)
Plugin version:
URL: Release Change the public API URL and add redirection · pkp/orcidProfile · GitHub

System: OJS 3.2 (no active support, only very critical changes)
Plugin version:
URL: Release Change the public API URL and add redirection · pkp/orcidProfile · GitHub


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