ORCID added after article publication does not display

Adding ORCID to profile after an authored article is published, does not display ORCID next to the author name.
One of our journals would like to invite all their authors to add their ORCID to their profile. They noticed that the ORCID was not added next to the author’s name on the article view page if the article was published prior to liking the ORCID to their profile.

We use OJS

Thank you,

Hi @gabriela,
Unfortunately the only way to make changes to a published article (included adding an ORCID profile) is to unpublish and re-publish the article. You can do this by visiting the published article in the “Archives” tab, selecting the Publication tab, and clicking “Unpublish.” From there you can go to the list of contributors and check each one to make sure the ORCID was successfully added, before publishing the article again.
I hope this helps.

Thank you very much Kate. It does help.

Best wishes,

How does ORCID authorization work for unpublished submissions? Should we unpublish the article, send e-mail to request, wait for authorization and only then republish the article? Or we can unpublish, send requests to the authors, republish the article, and the authorization will take place in the “background”?

I’ve experimentally determined that the correct procedure is as follows:

  1. Unpublish
  2. Send requests
  3. Publish

Authorization occurs in the background, and the results are automatically displayed on article pages.