ORCID Account Changes

We have a scenario where a member of journal team set up the public ORCID API for the journal, then subsequently left the journal team, and now that API account is essentially orphaned. The journal needs to make some changes to the API configuration, and we’re wondering:

a) What are the ramifications of creating a new public ORCID API connection under a different account? Does the API info need to be deleted from the original account first? Will author info that has been previously linked be affected, or will it continue to link in an uninterrupted way?

b) Are there best practices for handling this part of the setup that would help mitigate problems like these?

Very appreciative of any guidance anyone might have to offer.

You can use your own account for ORCID integration.

Previously linked author information will not be affected.

Don’t forget to add the 3 links pictured below for integration.

More information: https://docs.pkp.sfu.ca/orcid/en/installation-setup

Please write if you have any questions about integration.

Hi, @kerimsarigul, my thanks for your reply.

Previously linked author information will not be affected.

Thanks, this is very good to know.

Don’t forget to add the 3 links pictured below for integration.

Can you point me to where there is documentation about those 3 links being required? I cannot find it in the documentation I have read. Thank you!

Can you point me to where there is documentation about those 3 links being required? I cannot find it in the documentation I have read.



Hi again, @kerimsarigul . Thanks again for your reply. I’m familiar with the documentation that you’ve linked; my question is that you specified that 3 redirect links are required and gave particular URIs, namely /login, /orcidapi/orcidAuthorize?targetOp=register, and /user/register. Are these 3 very specific URI patterns necessary, and if so, where can I find that documented? Thanks.

Your journal login URL

Your journal register URL

And this

https://yourjournalURL = not only journal domain name, your full journal URL

Thanks again. I understand how to enter the URIs into the fields; what I’m hoping to understand is where in the documentation of either ORCID or the plugin I find would instructions pertaining to those particular paths being required. The documentation you linked does not mention them, but rather suggests that any paths could be used for a journal. One of the reasons the journal needs to make changes to the ORCID setup is because the redirect URI currently in place is not functioning.

I may not fully understand your question.
To enter the API keys into the Orcid Profile plugin, follow these steps:

1-Obtain the API keys by following the instructions above.
2-Go to the Orcid Profile plugin (Settings > Website > Plugins).
3-Enter the obtained keys into the API Keys section.
Once you’ve completed these steps, your Orcid Profile plugin will start working with the API keys.

I may not fully understand your question.

Thanks for your kind help. I am trying to understand two main things:

  1. Are there any problems that can result from changing the journal’s ORCID registration from one person’s account to another?
  2. Three very specific redirect URIs have been listed above as being required for registration. I am looking for documentation about that—how would someone know to use those 3 very specific and particular URIs?