Qu from one of our eds: “We have some papers in one of our journals (CEEA proceedings) in French and I wonder if there is any way in OJS 3.0.2 to have an alternate title and abstract in English while keeping the French ones as well?”
Hi @rcoughlan,
Currently content is only displayed in the user’s selected language (when available), falling back on the journal’s primary language when the current language doesn’t have a translation available. If you want to display several languages at once, you’d need to customize the templates. I’d suggest using a child theme to accomplish this. You’d need Smarty, CSS, and likely some PHP expertise.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Do you still have this problem? I solved a similar issue last night (after seeing your post) and - if you want - I can share the solution.
I am managing a journal on OJS whose main interface is in English. Papers are accepted either in English or in Italian (with a required translation of title and abstract); in the former case, only the English title/abstract have to appear, while in the latter I have to show both versions.
Here you can see what I mean: http://www.digitcult.it/index.php/dc/issue/view/6
And see also single-paper details…
Hi Luca,
yes, please ca you share the solution! That would be great.
@LucaAndreaLudovico… I’m also interested in knowing how he did it … thank you very much !!!
Hi, i’m interesting in how you call the metadata in the abstract section, please share us the code!
Hi Luca, can you please share your solution for showing botha languages title and abstract. This is exactly what I need. Thank you very much, Strup
Dear Luca, your bilingual theme is great! Could you make the code publicly available, please?
I think it could help fix the following issue:
Enable simultaneous display of multilingual metadata · Issue #7272 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
Is anyone else aware of existing OJS themes showing titles and abstracts in multiple languages on the same page?
I know that Cultural Anthropology does this as well:
One thing to note is that, as far as I can tell, neither of these journals modify the lang
attribute when mixing languages. That means that a screen reader will try to read these as if they are English and probably fail to read the correct words.
If you are writing your own theme customization to solve this, use the lang
attribute when showing text that doesn’t match the language of the page. Example:
<body lang="en-US">
<p>My abstract in English.</p>
<div lang="es-ES">
<p>Mi resumen en español.</p>
Learn more about the lang
attribute here: lang - HTML: HyperText Markup Language | MDN
That’s a good point, just making a mental note that the default language attribute is normally indicated in the top-most html tag, so that it’s inherited by all elements, unless otherwise specified:
<html lang="en-US">
<p>My abstract in English.</p>
<div lang="es-ES">
<p>Mi resumen en español.</p>
Another issue is metadata, I noticed that Luca managed to include both primary and secondary languages:
<meta name="DC.Language" scheme="ISO639-1" content="it"/>
<meta name="DC.Title" content=" Intervista con Catherine D’Ignazio: Data Feminism nella storia urbana e nel patrimonio"/>
<meta name="DC.Title.Alternative" xml:lang="en" content=" Interview with Catherine D’Ignazio: Data Feminism for Cultural Heritage and Urban History"/>
My understanding is that, although Google Scholar specificially doesn’t support multilingual metadata in their own citation tags (see here), the more general Google Search would take in multilingual Dublin Core tags.
Dear all, I posted my solution (with some comment) here:
Dear all,
When will this option be introduced to OJS?
Kind regards,
Michal Kokowski
Thats great, but i have another problem in enter user metadata, why must double input? how to solve this? we need just input only english version user data. How to do that? please help
In multilingual journals, one language is selected as the default language. For example, your journal is bilingual.
French and English
French: Default language
In this scenario, since the default language of the journal is French, metadata must also be entered in the default language.
If you set the default language of the Journal to English, you can enter metadata only in English.