Open archive, repositoryindentifier registered to another base URL

We just turned on our OAI to PMH plug in to allow our metadata to be harvested on BASE and When we validated our link all of the data passed. However, we could not be registered because The namespace-identifier for oai-identifiers declared in the repositoryIdentifier element a is already registered to another base URL. My question is, how do fix this problem?

Hi @stinkjyo,

Check the repository_id setting in your

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you for replying so fast. However there isn’t a repository_id setting in our file.

Hi @stinkjyo,

What version of OJS are you using?

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

we are using OJS 2.4.8

Hi @stinkjyo,

That line should be in your – see the default (template) configuration file.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you for your help. We where looking for a URL instead of the repository_id name.

We changed our repository_id name and now our data failed validation with this error message “Bad namespace-identifier (repositoryIdentifier element) ‘"ojs.cluteinstitute”’ in oai-identifier declaration”. Are we allowed to change our repository_id?

Hi @stinkjyo,

Your repository_id needs to follow the conventions of a namespace-identifier per the OAI specification. See OAI-PMH Implementation Guidelines - Specification and XML Schema for the OAI Identifier Format for details.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hello Alec,

I have read through the guidelines and I am still confused. I have attached a word doc to this email to show you the problem I am having. It is the last line on the validation log that does not seem to be correct. Our repository and domain name is, however when the validation is run, our base URL is already registered to “” This URL is not part of our domain or repository. My question is, should I be concerned or is this normal? If it does need to be fixed, is this a OJS problem or a domain hosting problem?

Thank you for your time,
Justin Hoffman

Hi @stinkjyo,

Note that responding by email is posting to our public forum; attachments aren’t preserved.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

PASS resumptionToken not used
Summary - success
• Namespace declared for v2.0 oai-identifiers is ojs.localhost
• Uses https URIs (not specified in protocol)
• Total tests passed: 40
• Total warnings: 0
• Total error count: 0
• Validation status: COMPLIANT
The namespace-identifier for oai-identifiers declared in the repositoryIdentifier element a is already registered to another base URL, namely We trust that this is another repository operated by your organization.
Successfully updated OAI registration database to status COMPLIANT.

Here is the attachment

Hi @stinkjyo,

Note above:

Namespace declared for v2.0 oai-identifiers is ojs.localhost

This suggests that your repository_id still isn’t defined properly – it’s reporting via OAI as ojs.localhost. Ensure that your settings is properly defined in the right section.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Here is our config file, where OAI settings are listed.

; OAI Settings ;


; Enable OAI front-end to the site
oai = On

; OAI Repository identifier
repository_id = “ojs.localhost”

; Maximum number of records per request to serve via OAI
oai_max_records = 100

Should our repository_id be in quotations?

also, when we changed the repository_id name to and then to ojs.clutinstitute the validation failed on this line
PASS namespace-identifier (repositoryIdentifier element) in oai-identifier declaration is ojs.localhost

Hi @stinkjyo,

I would suggest doing some research on what the OAI repository identifier is supposed to be. That’s more of an OAI subject than an OJS/PKP subject. Whatever you choose to use, put it in the repository_id setting and OJS will dutifully pass it along via the OAI interface.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Thank you for your time, you have been very helpful.


How to solve XML Validation and Harvester checked

Oai Validation Bellow

## Validation Results

Repository Information

International Journal of Business and Social Science Research

Server communication

SUCCESS: Server supports both GET and POST requests.

SUCCESS: OAI-PMH version is 2.0

UNVERIFIED: Could not compare basic URLs: (‘http protocol error’, 0, ‘got a bad status line’, None)

### XML Validation

UNVERIFIED: XML response of Identify could not be validated:

UNVERIFIED: XML response of ListRecords could not be validated:


UNVERIFIED: Deleting strategy could not be checked:

UNVERIFIED: ListRecords batch size could not be checked:

UNVERIFIED: Resumption requests could not be checked:

UNVERIFIED: Incremental harvesting (day granularity) of ListRecords could not be checked:

UNVERIFIED: Incremental harvesting (full granularity) of ListRecords could not be checked:

UNVERIFIED: dc:language conformance to ISO 639 could not be checked:

UNVERIFIED: dc:date ISO 8601 conformance could not be checked:

UNVERIFIED: Minimal DC elements could not be checked:

Explanation of message categories:

  • INFO: Potentially interesting information
  • RECOMMENDATION: Deprecated protocol feature or content-related issue
  • WARNING: Protocol violation or malformed content data
  • ERROR: Serious protocol violation that will affect the harvesting process
  • UNVERIFIED: Feature could not be checked for some reason