The ONIX export 3.0 has the possibility to export multiple items to one file. However, that functionality is broken. Only the last item selected is exported.
Steps to reproduce:
- go to /management/importexport/plugin/Onix30ExportPlugin
- select two titles (or tick “select all”)
- click [Export]
Observed result
- the XML file produced contains ONIX for only the last record
Expected result
- the XML file produced should contain ONIX for all selected records
refer [OMP] ONIX 3.0 Monograph Export in OMP
Hello @Glottotopia,
This might be related to this issue here: [OMP] Make ONIX export problems easier to understand/solve · Issue #6610 · pkp/pkp-lib · GitHub
But can you indicate which version of OMP you’re using?
PKP Team
I think there is no way for me to get to this via the webinterface, right? @carola should be able to give you the exact version number.
Hi @Glottotopia,
There is some guidance on determining your version number here: How do I determine my PKP software's version?
PKP Team
OK, thanks. The version is Open Monograph Press