we have several book series, each with indipendent editorial staff, hosted in a OJS installation.
Now we want to move them to an OMP installation, but in OMP the series haven’t their specific users as journals for OJS.
Otherwise, it seems that in OMP the presses are managed like journals in OJS, with specific users, plugins, ecc.
So, we are thinking to set a press for each of these series, to grant them similar environment and workflow they currently have in OJS.
Before starting, we would like to know if anyone is in a similar situation, and uses or think to use OMP presses like OJS journals.
Here is the only OMP installation we know that uses presses for series.
Best regards
just before opening this topic I have found this OMP multiseries installation: @carola can you tell me if you manage the editorial staff of all series as OMP users?
Hi Stefano,
I run the Language Science Press project. We do not make use of users or user groups for editorial processes, and we do not have real editorial staff. There are 2 people who create catalog entries and set publications to “available”. They have the role of “press director”. About 90% of submissions reach us via email and are uploaded only once they are finalised. The other 10% are directly submitted to OMP, but only 1 or 2 series use the workflow functionality with stages. The other series use email.
Hi @snordhoff, thank you very much for details about Language Science Press project.
I think that most the OMP installations with multiple series are like yours.
@asmecher, can you (or anyone else from PKP) confirm that in OMP the presses are similar to OJS journals (i.e. can have specific users, plugins…), not the series? How does it sounds to you to use presses for series like this or this?
Otherwise, using only one press, there’s any idea/update for development of series within a single press?
Waiting for your answer, best regards
Hi @bolelligallevi,
Just to confirm, yes, Presses in OMP behave just like Journals in OJS, i.e. plugins can be enabled and disabled independently. Users (like in OJS) are shared in a common table for all presses, but enrollment can be managed independently, i.e. a user who is a Manager in one press can be an Author and a Reviewer in another, and have no role in a third.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi @asmecher, thanks for confirming.
We are planning an OMP installation where presses are used for series with specific editorial board, review workflow, DOIs with specific pattern etc.
Do you know any other OMP installation using presses as series? There’s any idea or planned development on the series part of OMP?
Best regards
Hi @bolelligallevi,
I’m afraid I don’t have much information on the specifics of how people are using OMP’s content management tools – I think this could be a good discussion amongst OMP users. I’m hoping this forum can be helpful for that!
The only relevant development that comes to mind is some work to give OMP a site-wide homepage, much like OJS has – see e.g. this thread, and I believe there has been some recent development on this.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team