Is it possible with OMP to set the base domain URL on which OMP is installed as the path to a single press hosted?
In Administration → Site Management → Hosted Presses you need to create a press to get going.
There is a mandatory field Path. Seemingly it cannot be set to a base domain URL even if you have only 1 press hosted.
So e.g. if you host your OMP install on a subdomain of your site: yourpress.yoursite.com
- you still have to add a trailing path to the press URL, like yourpress.yoursite.com/yourpress
This causes that the press-name is doubled in all URLs of the OMP (like e.g. yourpress.yoursite.com/yourpress/catalog)
How can it be configured so that the Path setting in creating press would be just the base domain in case you have only 1 press (which is I presume rather common situation)?
Thank you for the advice.