When exporting by OAI-PMH, we miss some submissions/publications which are published (seeing in frontend) and on the other side there are OAI-exported submissions which are not published.
What could be the reason for this? Which submissions/publications are exported by OAI, is it dependend on the “status” or which other property?
Another issue is that the german title is exported twice if additional an english title exists. If the title is existing in only one language, it is exported once. I find it also strange that the title is exported as xml:lang=“0” or xml:lang=“1” and not as xml:lang=“de-DE” or xml:lang:“en-US”.
Hi Dulip,
I see another error with OAI-Export, the exported keywords (<dc:subject …) are wrong, they don’t belong to particular exported publication. For Example: there is a publication with keywords: “Deutschland”, “Privatrecht”, “Internethandel”. The exported OAI-Data show as keywords “Mittelalter”, “Krimi”, “Forschung”, “Geschichte”, “Roman”, which are in fact the keywords of another publication.
I have looked into the problem in OMP 3.3.0-8 inside a multilingual installation and cannot reproduce the error. Therefore, I may need a live link to confirm and may be fix the error you describe.
sadly this is a test installation without extern access, so I can’t give you a link.
I have tested the OAI-export again and there is one problem which doesn’t exist any longer, last year there were OAI-exported submissions which were not published, now all exported submissions are also published. But not all published submissions are OAI exported.
Here you see the record of one submission with ID 15,
and here you see the metadata of this submission in the backend.
The given keywords in the oai-record do not match the keywords set in metadata.
Concerning this I have the feeling that there is something going wrong with the id of the OAI Identifier and the id of the Resource Identifier of the submissions. Because the submission with Id 11 have the keywords seeing in the OAI-Export of the submission with Resource Identifier 15, which has the OAI Identifier 11, see here:
I realize this is an older thread, but I figured I’d try my luck. Has there been any update on this?
We are running OMP 3.3.0-8 and have the same problem with the keywords on the OAI-Data; keywords are being displayed with the wrong titles (across various presses, as well).
In the database I noticed that there’s a pattern in how keywords are being wrongly displayed. Keywords entered with a submission that has the PUBLICATION ID XYZ are being shown (in the OAI) with the submission that has the SUBMISSION ID XYZ.
For example, my submission with the Submission ID 189 and the Publication ID 112 has the keyword “Lesedidaktik”. In the OAI, the keyword shows up with the submission that has the Submission ID 112 and the Publication ID 51 and not with the submission it actually belongs to.
If there is a point in the database where keywords are being falsely assigned to submission IDs, I can’t find it.
So is this a fault within OMP or with the OAI? And can we fix it ourselves?