To clarify, is the author also the volume editor, and his name is showing up as the editor of the book but not as the author of the chapter he wrote? If that is the case, you could check the metadata for the chapter and ensure that everything is correct. Is the person listed under contributors twice, as both the volume editor and an author?
This post also reports a similar problem and found it was to do with translation. They didn’t give details of the solution but that could be something to look at further.
Please let me know how this goes.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, author of the chapter is also volume editor and he is not listed under contributors twice, only as volume editor. Do I have to include him as author also?
List of Contributors:
Chapter detail:
If I do not check “Include this contributor in browse lists?” with edtitors name …
… then his name suddenly shows on the web page of the book …
…but his name dissaper as editor on the start page of the web site:
Yes, I think if you change the author’s role to author for the chapter entry and then add him again under contributors as the volume editor you will find that he appears in all of the listings. The behaviour you pointed out in the second part of your post is strange, but see if everything works as it should after you add the person as both author and volume editor and check off to include the contributor in browse lists in both places. Please let me know how it goes.
Amanda Stevens
Public Knowledge Project Team
Dear Amanda,
Unfortunately, it does not work fine even if I add his name twice, as author for the chapter and as volume editor.
However, here is interesting think that I found out now: If there are two authors of the chapter everything works fine - even volume editor is shown on all listing. I simply added one fake author to this chapter and also volume editor’s name turns up as author for the chapter.
In Administration go to: Users & Roles → Roles → Arrow on e.g. Volume Editor → Edit → Role Options → Show role title in contributor list (checked). (These roles will also be displayed behind the author’s name on the book page.) Now suddenly everything works fine.