OMP: how to extract peer review type (blind, double blind, open)

Describe the issue or problem
We are not able to extract the peer review type (bbbbb) using API or peer review report.
Is that data available in 3.3 OMP API? There is any possibility to obtain it in any report with user interface? We are less interested in the database because we do not have direct access, but we are interested if is the only way to obtain this data.
Thanks and best regards

Steps I took leading up to the issue
We considered the Review Report in the Report section of statistics, but we didn’t find the peer review type in resulting csv
In the 3.3 API we do not find the peer review type in Get submission by ID or in Submission/Participants nor in Stast/Editorial nor Stats/Users

What application are you using?
OMP 3.3.0-13

Additional information

Hi @bolelligallevi,

At the moment that data isn’t exposed in e.g. the API; starting with 3.5 there will be API access to review assignments, but not before.

In the meantime, the review mode is not exposed outside of the review assignment UI. You’d either need to go to the database for it, or edit the review report to add it as a new column.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher, thanks for your answer.

Can you give some details/hints on how to edit the review report to add review type as a new column ?

Best regards

Hi @bolelligallevi,

The details will be a little different depending on your version of OJS, but the review report is implemented in plugins/reports/reviewReport, and the github repository for this plugin is GitHub - pkp/reviewReport: Review report plugin for OMP/OJS. (The branches there match the branches for OJS – e.g. stable-3_3_0, stable-3_4_0, etc).

To add the review method / mode to the report, you would need to…

If you complete this, please consider sending in a pull request!

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team

Hi @asmecher, thank you very much!
We were able to make the first 2 points (Add review_method to the list of selected columns and Add the new column to the list of columns in the report), and in the resulting report we found 1 and 2 as possible values: can you give a hint on how to replace them (and 3, if we’ll use it in future books) with the corresponding labels? We understood that is code like this but we do not understand which class place instead of WorkflowStageDAO in row 139…

Other two questions on review report in general:

  • we are finding a lot of duplicate rows… is it a bug, e.g. a missing distinct in a query?
  • the report write a row of the report only if a reviewer is assigned to the review stage (internal or external), but it is not mandatory to assign a reviewer to a review stage… it is a bug or is it the desired behaviour?

Thanks and best regards

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