OMP 3.2.1-1 problem with usageStats

I’ve a OMP 3.1.2 work properly and showing the ‘Usage statitics’ on the book page.
After upgrade to OMP 3.2.1-1 the ‘Usage statitics’ counter stoped work. News downloads is not considered.
The plugin ‘Usage Statistics’ is enabled and the ‘Create log files’ is checked.
The plugin ‘Acron Plugin’ installed and enabled.
On the base_url = “” and the book page is
And the usageStats folder has full access permission.
On the folder ‘usageStats/archive’ has no new files after the system upgrade.
And the folder ‘usageStats/reject’ is empty.
There not new records on database after the system upgrade too (SELECT * FROM metrics WHERE metric_type = “ojs::counter”)

To test:
php tools/runScheduledTasks.php plugins/generic/usageStats/scheduledTasks.xml
cat scheduledTaskLogs/Tarefadocarregadordearquivodeestatísticasdeuso-5f8962b4d59d1-20201016.log
[2020-10-16 06:07:00]
[2020-10-16 06:07:00] [Aviso] Iniciada tarefa agendada.
[2020-10-16 06:07:00] [Aviso] Tarefa agendada parou.
The folders archive, processing, reject and stage continue with no new files.

A curiosity:
On old version the after access the book page ‘Diálogos Interdisciplinares sobre a Música Brasileira | Laboratório Editorial’ the ‘cache/fc-downloadStats-176.php’ is created if not exist.
On new version the after access the book page ‘’ the ‘cache/fc-downloadStats-160.php’ is created if not exist.
The datat content is the same but the file name is diferente!

Please, i need help to solve this problem.

Unsuccessful new tests:

Manual copy of files

cp usageStats/usageEventLogs/*.log usageStats/stage/

Manual execution

php tools/runScheduledTasks.php plugins/generic/usageStats/scheduledTasks.xml

The files was archived

ls -la archive/usage_events_20201016.log
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 6894 Oct 16 15:41 archive/usage_events_20201016.log

The log task was registered

cat scheduledTaskLogs/Tarefadocarregadordearquivodeestatísticasdeuso-5f89e969d4f60-20201016.log
[2020-10-16 15:41:45]
[2020-10-16 15:41:45] [Aviso] Iniciada tarefa agendada.
[2020-10-16 15:41:45] [Aviso] O arquivo /var/www/files/usageStats/processing/usage_events_20201016.log foi processado e arquivado.
[2020-10-16 15:41:46] [Aviso] O arquivo /var/www/files/usageStats/processing/usage_events_20201015.log foi processado e arquivado.
[2020-10-16 15:41:46] [Aviso] Tarefa agendada parou.

Check the downloads on log file

cat usageStats/archive/usage_events_20201015.log | grep download administrative 1 “2020-10-15 20:26:42” 200 “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0 Safari/605.1.15” administrative 1 “2020-10-15 20:26:47” 200 “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0 Safari/605.1.15” administrative 1 “2020-10-15 20:29:06” 200 “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0 Safari/605.1.15” administrative 1 “2020-10-15 20:29:09” 200 “Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_6) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/14.0 Safari/605.1.15”

Check new records on database

SELECT * FROM metrics WHERE metric_type = “omp::counter” and month = ‘202010’;
4 rows in set (0.04 sec)

Remove cache file

rm -rf cache/fc-downloadStats-160.php

After web access

this file continue without new data
and on the web page the graph has no new data too


Why after move the files “usageEventLogs” to “stage” the file was moved with success to “archived” and database has new data?
Is the system unable to move it itself?
And why after all the new data is not displayed?

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Can someone confirm if it’s a bug?

After enabled SQL debug, i got this message:
“SELECT month, representation_id, SUM(metric) AS metric FROM metrics WHERE submission_id = 155 AND assoc_type = 515 AND metric_type = ‘omp::counter’ GROUP BY month, representation_id ORDER BY month ASC”

But the URL requested is “
The number is wrong!
The submission_id should be 176 and not 155.

I’ve a OJS installation with the same version and dont have this problema. And the older version of OMP 3.1.2 don’t have too.

I found the bug

FILE: plugins/generic/usageStats/
FUNCTION: displayReaderMonographGraph
CHANGE THIS: $pubObjectId = $pubObject->getId();
TO: $pubObjectId = $pubObject->getData(‘submissionId’);

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Thanks for tracking that down @silvio.candido! I’ve filed a bug report and you can follow that for updates.