Thank you very much for your feedback, Bozana!
Oh, yes, that is surely the reason
You are using Apache log files, right? – They can contain the urlPath, wile our internal log files only contains IDs.
Good news is this clarifies everything. 
You are using Apache log files, right?
Yes, I am.
I’ve just checked: the feature to consider urlPath went lost with 3.0 release, when the plugin was overhauled
Upps. I’m sorry to hear this. 
I have considered the Apache URLs (and urlPath) in the newest work for 3.4, but… 3.4 is still to come…
Hum… it may be that people are getting wrong statistics and don’t know it?
And it means that users using apache and LTS won’t have proper statistics till next LTS that will be 3.6 or so?
I mean, using apache log files is not wired, so I’m wondering if won’t be a good idea to create a script in /tools to help in the reprocessing of files.
You do not have the internal, OJS log files (any more)? – to re-process and re-compile the stats from them…
Yes I got them. Still sotred in “archive” folder but also the original apache log files (if is useful in some sense).
What OJS version are you using?
OJS 3.2.1-4 but moving to 3.3-LTS next month or so.
I could eventually help with a patch, but I am not sure if this will be possible before 3.4 – 3.4 is high priority now…
I full understand. No worry.
Just forget about this till 3.4 is released… and let me know if you want me to publish this as a github issue to keep the track.
Take care!