Old DOIs become unactive

Description of issue or problem I’m having:
Old DOIs from 2018 and older are suddenly not active anymore.
They were deposited in the past by CrossRef XML Export Plugin.
In the Plugin shows just 4 articles from 2017 that are suddenly Failed. Plugin is not showing the problem with all other articles (but they are existing).

Steps I took leading up to the issue:
I tryed to reload reactive them. But with no success.
I tryied to activate/deactivate plugins: Scopus/Crossref Plugin, Crossref Reference Linking, CrossRef XML Export Plugin.
With no succes.

What I tried to resolve the issue:
I wrote also for help to Crossref, do not know if issue is on their or OJS site.

Application Version - e.g., OJS 3.1.2:
We are using OJS

Additional information, such as screenshots and error log messages if applicable:
Message from the 4 failed DOI:
Record not processed because submitted version: 1634117037 is less or equal to previously submitted version 201710051443

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<doi_batch_diagnostic status=“completed” sp=“ds4.crossref.org”>
<record_diagnostic status=“Failure” msg_id=“4”>
Record not processed because submitted version: 1634117037 is less or equal to previously submitted version 201710051443

Thank you for any suggestion.

Hi @martinca

The crux of the issue here is this:

Record not processed because submitted version: 1634117037 is less or equal to previously submitted version 201710051443

This is related to the timestamp on your deposit. Crossref checks to make sure that updates to a DOI happen after the original deposit. But, the issue is that the format of your original timestamp is different than the format of the timestamp in OJS now.

Basically, 1634117037 is a smaller number than 201710051443, so it must be older.

You can fix this by contacting Crossref support and requesting a timestamp reset. They’ll need a list of all the affected DOIs, but it’s an easy fix on their end and you should then be able to deposit/update these.


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Thank you Mike for your kind help!

Now, I just found out, with also help of Crossref support, that 4 “failed” DOIs in Crossref Plugin are now working.

But all other 70 DOIs are still not opening.
Crossref Plugin is showing them as active, as the same is on Crossref Membership Record history. But in reality they are not responding.
I suspect: it would be possible that there would be error connected to Scopus/Crossref Plugin or Crossref Reference Linking? Would be possible that this plugins in the backgrounds are causing some problems?

Example of some not working DOIs:

Thank you very much in advance for any suggestion how to resolve this problem!


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Hi @martinca,

I believe you have an issue with your server configuration. I think your domain isn’t configured correctly.

This is the URL associated with these DOIs:


That :5050 shouldn’t be in your domain, but I suspect it’s somewhere in your journal or server configuration files. OJS is assigning that URL to all these DOIs. I’d ask your system admin folks if they know how that :5050 is ending up in your exports.

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