[OJS3, XML] Display of XML Footnotes (<fn-group>, <fn>) with eLens

How do I tag footnotes so they are displayed with the build-in eLens Viewer? and do not work.

Thanks for your kind suggestions, Tobias

Hi @twa,

I think your question is related to the eLens Viewer, not OJS itself – we don’t maintain that, so you’d probably be best served asking the eLife Lens team.

Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team


The latest lens does support footnotes. It takes a little effort to be able to output the lens.js file required using the latest develop branch of lens, but if someone needs it, I have one ready.

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Can you please share the code.

I have it here: GitHub - ajnyga/lensGalley: Galley viewer plugin integrating eLife Lens for OJS 3.0: fork using the latest develop branch of Lens

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@ajnyga Can you describe, how to integrate refs? Your github lensGalley seems to be outdated.

I already installed the latest eLife Lens Viewer (2.0.0) in OJS, but it doesn’t seem to work »out of the box«.

I’d be thankful for some hints.


@ajnyga @asmecher Hi, there!

I’m having trouble getting footnotes in the eLife Lens Article Viewer (with the latest OJS version) to work.

I’ve already tried the following:

The native eLife Lens does support the footnotes.

Is it possible to re/add this functionality to the generic plugin in the future?

Hi @p_urbanczyk,

I can answer on this one

The plugin parses JATS XML on the back-end and adds full-text from JATS to a publication from a Publication tab of a correspondent submission: take a look a the full text tab (when plugin is activated) and additional option on a references tab when full-text is generated.

Here, I fixed the broken link to an image on the readme after branch renaming: GitHub - Vitaliy-1/JATSParserPlugin: OJS3 Plugin for parsing JATS XML and displaying it on article detail page

And live example on HTML and PDF the output: Емоційне вигорання медичних працівників: моделі, фактори ризику та протективні фактори | Психосоматична медицина та загальна практика. Take a look at the full-text under abstract on article landing page; this works differently from Lens Viewer, which renders XML on a galley page on the fly.

Unfortunately footnotes aren’t implemented but they are in the priority list.

Hi, I’m adding to this thread as we have journals on our national platform that are eagerly awaiting the possibility to publish XML files where the footnotes can be displayed. Do you have an approximate time when this feature might be available via your plugin (which otherwise looks great!)?

Many thanks in advance.