I’m still learning my way around the new OJS3 system. If you can help answer all or just some of these questions, I’d greatly appreciate it.
Can the header title “Current Issue” be changed? If so, how?
Is this section only showing current articles from the most recent issue? Suppose there are 2 active volumes and the last 2 articles were from these 2 different volumes. Will both show in the Current Issue section?
What is the limit on number of articles shown in this section? Or is there one?
Follow-up, can the limit on number of articles be changed? If so, where? e.g. can I limit to showing only the last 6 articles even if there are 10?
Hi @inferlinkdev,
You can either edit the locale files to change the text, or use a tool like the custom locale plugin. (This is currently a work in progress for OJS 3.x and will be added to the plugin gallery once it’s complete.)
It’s only showing the most recent issue. Currently we only consider a single issue to be “current”.
There is no hard limit.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
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How can I change the current issue?
Hi @pharmagp,
Can you post this as a new question rather than reopening an old thread? Also include your version number.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Is this custom locale plugin now useable as it does not appear in the plugin list in 3.1
Hi @nickpanes,
It’s not included in the OJS release, but it’s available here:
It hasn’t formally been released because it needs some UI/UX polish, although it does work.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team