OJS3 Plugin Development Questions

First, I think it is great all the work and support OJS is receiving. You guys are awesome.

Right now, I am trying to develop a few new plugin features to tailor OJS for my instatution’s journal service.

Is there an updated OJS3 documentation and general OJS3 process workflow available? If so I don’t mind studying up on more own.

What I am trying to implement is a block sidebar plugin for popular articles, and I have a few ideas on how to do it. What I don’t know is the hook I need to call in the plugin initialization for article data, as it is not available in all contexts.

I would also need to modify the article hyperlink or issue page to trigger a update of a view number field stored in the plugin database table. What part of the source should I look at for placing this functionality?

Next, I want to enable editor notification on publishing additional articles for an already published issue, so an entirely separate issue does not need to be created for each article added on over time. I imagine that I could copy very similar code from already existing issue notification code to add in this feature. What source file would be good to look at for article notification, and which file should I look at for a notification example?


Hi @jamesp,

For your block plugin idea, you might want to look at what Antti-Jussi has done with his “most read” block plugin which may provide insight:

His plugin makes use of the MetricsDAO to get stats.

For your notification work, there are many examples of using notifications and the NotificationManager class in the various grid handler classes inside of the controllers/ directory, and the classes/notifications directory.


I should specify I meant email notifications.
