In OJS3 when an author makes a new submission a notification email is automatically sent to the editors.
How can one disable this email notification? On journals with many editors sending such an email on every submission is really inconvenient.
In OJS3 when an author makes a new submission a notification email is automatically sent to the editors.
How can one disable this email notification? On journals with many editors sending such an email on every submission is really inconvenient.
Hi @jnaat,
In Settings > Workflow > Emails, find the “Submission Ack” email in the listing and disable it. Note that this will also prevent authors from receiving these emails.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Why is it not possible just to uncheck “Enable these types of notifications.” in: View Profile>Notifications (on a given Journal Editor’s account) for Submission Event: “A new article, “Title,” has been submitted.”?
What kind of Notifications are obligatory for each editorial role?
Thank you,
Hi @ania,
Not all emails are managed through the notification subsystem – in fact, most workflow emails aren’t. You can control whether many of the workflow emails are active by enabling/disabling the messages in the Journal Manager’s “Prepared Emails” area, but that will change the message’s active state for all users, not just a single account.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
@asmecher, we noted that Editors of our journal haven’t received email notifications of a new submission for some time now (as it was earlier), although Notification of Author Submission is checked in the Settings =>Workflow=>Submission and View Profile=> Notifications.
Author does receive notifications after completing his submission.
How can this be fixed?
Have you confirmed that these notifications to the Editors are not just getting caught in the Editor’s spam filters?
Yes, I have confirmed.
Do you have access to the server’s mail log to confirm whether or not the messages are being queued from OJS to your mail server (e.g. SMTP, or local postfix server)? This may require the assistance of your server administrator or hosting provider - if so, you’ll want to describe to them the sender and recipient(s) and date and time that the email would have been sent. If you have access yourself, check to see if that entry appears in your mail server’s logs.
Thank you, not so easy, but I will try.