OJS3 Final Composite PDF do not open in the issue page

Hello, I am using the OJS3 and I had a problem on defining the final composite of my issues, because this is only showing the link of the final composite, but when click in the link it is not showing the content of the file. It is only reloading the same page.

The link of my page is: http://interfacetecnologica.com.br/index.php/interfacetecnologica/issue/view/1/
When click on the link “PDF” would have to open the content of file, but it is not happening.

Please help me and sorry my little english.

Hi @Ph_We, thanks for response. The console is not showing any error. I think it is a server side problem, because the URL is changing from “issue/view/1/” to “issue/view/1/pdf” on click on the link, but in the new adress is showing the same page, instead of showing the PDF content.

Hello @asmecher, I found your fix for it in the github. Thank you for the help!!!