Hi! Some of our journals are planning to use controlled vocabularies (e.g. JEL Classification System) for the Subject field in the article metadata.
Has anyone managed to use any controlled vocabularies in OJS3?
E.g., I know there was a Tematres plugin for OJS2. Would it be ported to OJS3?
Tagging @ajnyga, who mentioned such functionality here:
I use a smarty filter to change the Tagit code so that it fetches results from the YSO ontology. It would be fairly easy to modify the code for any similar ontology or vocabulary with a REST API. Feel free to use the code if it suites your purpose.
I am basically saving the words like Keyword [https://path.to/keyword/uri]. This is not ideal. It would be better if the keyword and the uri would be saved separately. But I can now parse these two bits when I transfer data to the national library using a OAI-PMH plugin. If a better way of storing the keyword and uri pair is available it should be fairly easy to convert this format.
It seems this topic is of little interest?
We would like to know if there’s anyone working in integrating any Thesaurus/Controlled vocabulary tool into OJS.
Particularly, Tematres seems very interesting and simple to integrate, but apparently not maintained.
We are starting to work on defining a specific tool for managing thesaurii and integrating it into all of our apps, including OxS tools we eventually use.
Any thoughts?
We took a quick look at Finto and looks amazing. We would like to know about scalability, ease of use and integration (apparently simple, but it may not be…). It’s actually using Skosmos.org.
@ramon, nope, it’s really interesting. And I gave @ajnyga my ‘like’. He really did a great job, since he even managed to implement a kind of autocomplete based on thesauri used. That’s really a sine qua non for such use cases.
I still have not had time enough to test it, but I think it is an ad hoc solution now, i.e. it is built for usage with that particular thesaurus. So the question is how easy it might be adopted to any other vocabulary, say JEL Classification System (nonSKOS)?