Hi there!
After upgrading to v3 (which went pretty well), all supplementary files of already published articles are now included in the (front-end) table of contents and thus available for download. However, this is not how I’d like to see it as these are letters to editors, unedited tables and other irrelevant materials, etc. I played with the article components settings and looked into the DB structure, but to no avail. Also, when i delete a file from the backend, the link is stil;l displayed on the front. How can I solve this?
Hi @simonbakker,
I’d suggest double-checking your old installation – it’s entirely possible that these were exposed to readers before too, just more buried. (Check e.g. the Reading Tools’ “Indexing Metadata” and “Supplementary Files” links.)
In OJS 3.0, there’s a new feature that’s intended for storing contracts, letters, etc., called the “Submission Library”. This is intended for content that needs to be managed and attached to the submission but should not be included in e.g. peer review.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks Alec!
In the old installation those files are not accessible from the front end; we have reading tools disabled.
The files in question are tables, figures, letter tot the editor etc and we really don’t want to include those on the front end. How can we achieve that? Which parameter should we change and where can we find it.
Hi @simonbakker,
They’re likely available through other mechanisms like OAI, even if the reading tools are disabled.
If you’d like a systematic way of having those documents moved somewhere else, the only way I can think of doing it is to alter the upgrade script and re-run the upgrade – the convertSupplementaryFiles
function in classes/install/Upgrade.inc.php
is responsible for migrating supplementary files. The galleys are created in this stanza:
if ($article->getStatus() == STATUS_PUBLISHED) {
$articleGalley = $articleGalleyDao->newDataObject();
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
Thank you for your help.
I do wish to have these files available in the backend with the submissions. So, I solved it by deleting these files from the submission_galleys table.
Hi @simonbakker,
OK, glad to hear you’ve found a solution. It wasn’t clear in OJS 2.x whether/when managers could expect supplementary content to be published, which is part of our motivation in removing supplementary files from OJS 3.0 and introducing both multi-file submissions and the submission library.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team