After updating to OJS3 from 2.4.8 the References section with its citations does not appear anymore on an article’s page.
Enabling References in Settings->Workflow->Submission and then editing the Metadata for a previously published article doesn’t work. The Reference section is still missing.
The updated database still has the table called citations populated using the Citation Markup Assistant.
What can be done to have the References section displayed with the existing citations in the db?
I believe the citations plugin has not yet been updated for OJS 3.0. My understanding is that this is a high priority and will be rolled in soon, it just didn’t make it in time for the initial release.
I’ve filed an issue so that we can discuss the status and how we’ll move forward in the near future.
You’ll need to make sure that you’ve enabled the References metadata under Settings > Workflow > Submission. Then you’ll need to check a submission to see that the data was ported into the metadata field of an article by looking at the submission’s Metadata tab.
Maybe just to note, that currently the citation DB table is not considered and Citation Markup Assistant not used – the citations displayed are from the submissions DB table.
No we didn’t use Citation Markup Assistant in OJS 2. We are starting directly on OJS 3.0.2. I read that Citation Markup Assistant will not be available in OJS 3? Is there any alternative to that?
Yes, Citation Markup Assistant is not in OJS 3 and currently there is no alternative – maybe there will be one later using the Open Typesetting Stack (OTS) integration, but I am not sure about that yet…