In a multijournal installation one of our journals has this error:
TypeError: $.pkp.controllers.grid.users.stageParticipant.form is undefined[Learn More] StageParticipantNotifyHandler.js:34:1
I can see that error in all pages in the dashboard and it basically prevents me from adding participants to submissions. The list of editors will not load.
There is nothing in the php error log. Also, as I said this is one journal in a multijournal installation and no other journal has this problem. I already tried turning of some plugins and enabling the default theme but no luck.
Are you using the minified version of the javascript? Check your If you are, try disabling minification and see if the problem still occurs.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
This morning I noticed that the same problem does not appear when using my other computer, even with the exact same browser.
So, after erasing my browser cache the problem is now gone! However, it would be nice to know what caused this and if it is potentially something that would happen again.
edit: and I did do a diff between the source code of a working journal dashboard and the broken journal dashboard but did not see any differences there. The only difference is that in the broken journal I have this “<meta name="generator" content="##common.openJournalSystems##">”. That is a string that does exist in the translations, but for some reason it is not getting translated for the journal with the problem – even now after clearing browser cache solved the javascript problem.
Is there a particular page that’s showing ##common.openJournalSystems## as opposed to the correct translation? It’s possible that the appropriate locale file isn’t getting loaded during that request.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
It is not getting translated in the dashboard in these pages: Tools, Users & Roles, Settings and Submissions.
It does get translated in Issues and in the workflow of all submissions.
That string is basically the only string that does not get translated, all the other translations are working. I would had not noticed it without the earlier problem and the diff I did.
Edit: and the translation problem with this string is visible in some other journals as well. I have not had time to figure out what the similarity is between them.
The difference is likely in the plugin set. I suspect most journals have plugins enabled that load the relevant locale file, but on this one, no such plugin is present and the system thus doesn’t load the file containing that locale key.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team