I had to change the Publication Date of all articles within our first issue. And it was a pain. So many clicks to be done to change 1 date …
This is what I had to do:
Issues > Future Issues > click on our issue > click on small triangle > Submission > Production > Schedule for Publication > change publication date > Save > click Ok
10 clicks per article. Way too much!
Can someone help me with a neater way to achieve this?
The workflow stamps the publication date automatically when the article is scheduled to the issue and/or when the issue is published. Was this a matter of the dates being off by a day or two?
In back-issue imports, you’ll typically either use the QuickSubmit plugin – this has a field directly on the submission form – or the XML import process for larger amounts of content and conversions from other systems, which has its own element for publication dates. Either way it should be easy and quick to specify those dates.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hmm, interesting. Do you have any idea where these incorrect dates came from? Did you customize the date formats in your config.inc.php? I suspect there’s an issue there with OJS incorrectly parsing dates if non-default date formats are used. (See Unrealistic Reviewer Invitation Dates - #7 by asmecher for this.)
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
I have just created two future issues and used QuickSubmit to bring in articles, i didn’t see/notice an option to state date of publication. … other than providing volume info and date.
I thought that with Future Issues one could Schedule the date that they become visible to the public. i.e. Published.
When you select an issue that’s already been published, you’ll see a “Published” field appear on the QuickSubmit form:
If you select “Unpublished”, or choose an issue that hasn’t been published yet, you won’t be able to enter a publication date; when you publish the article in an issue, the publication date will be stamped with that day’s date.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
we have to digitalize our archive and import the files with the quick-summit-plugin. Now, we have the problem, that the issuse-date ist correct but the dates of the articles are wrong. OJS has stamped all articles with the upload date. There are more than 4000 articles with wrong dates and it is realy painful to change the publication date with ten steps (like the first post).
So do you habe any idea, how I can change the dates of this articles easyer? Maybe to change the date in the MySQL-database? But I can’t found the table with the articles.
you’ll find »date_published« in the table »published_submissions«. First you’ll have to find out the »submission_id« of each article. The best way to find the »submission_id« seems to be searching the table »submission_settings« for title, subtitle, DOI, abstract or something specific.
I think, it is possible, but not the best way (because it’s risky).
Make a backup of the database and inform users not to change anything, when running such tasks.
Here is the process of changing submission dates for publishing old articles if you are moving to OJS.
Click on PHP admin in control panel.
Click on name of database.
You will see alphabetical listing of names of tables.
4.If you are using OJS then click on Submission table.
In this table please click on the relevant article based on its ID.
Best approach is to organize files depending on time frame.
You will see the Edit button in front of respective artcile.
Change the date of submission there which will be automatically reflected in the published article.
Still if you have doubt contact me on email id wsnpgs@gmail.com