Für die Angabe der beiden in den Settings des Journals für Contact hinterlegbaren E-Mailadressen erwartet OJS einen Klammeraffen in der Mailadresse. Dieser wird auch so gedisplayed, öffnet aber Tür und Tor für Crawler und SPAM. Gibt es eine andere Lösung?
Yes, OJS needs those email addresses to be "correctly formed because the system send some emails/notifications using them.
You could of course edit the contact page template and change it so that the emails are not shown there, but that would render the contac page useless.
Maybe OJS could have a special smarty filter for obfuscating email addresses when you need to show them on the contact page or other similar places, @asmecher?
Oh, Google Translate When I enter the whole sentence it translates “Klammeraffen” to “parenthesis.” When I enter “Klammeraffen” on its own, it translates it to “spider monkeys!” @ makes way more sense in the context of the question than both those things.
I guess the sign looks bit like a spider monkey with a long tail. Back in the 90s we used to call it “miukumauku” in Finnish, which would translate roughly to “miauw-mouw” - the sound that cats do
I would have same problem in brazilian portuguese, we call it “arroba”, which is a unit of measure corresponding to 15 kilograms or 33 pounds but applied only to oxen and cows (historically 1 arroba was the load that a donkey or mule could carry). Yes, confusing.
Sorry for having confused you all with the @ - I intended to put this issue to the
German section of the forum … and failed obviously. But I am very happy to see that things could be solved despite the translation problems - thanks to everybody !
The PKP staff will check it at some point and evaluate whether they want to add it to the code. The only issue I am seeing with the fix is a possible accessibility issue. I mean, I am not sure if the given fix will cause trouble for users with special browsers meant for people with visual impairment. But it does use a common way of dealing with the email harvesting.