for a plug-in I try to query all articles (with a plugin-specific) setting which have accessible galleys. I really only need the article ids, not the objects thats why my first attempt was to formulate a sql-query for that. On the other hand, there are so many different ways why a galley could not be accessible, thats it is very complicated to formulate that query. Can anyone maybe help me formulate it or know a way how I could employ some of the DAOs to get what I want?
accessible, in may context means, that you can read/dl the galley if you register as a subscriber.
I would be so thankful for any help…
Thanks in advance,
Hi @paf,
What exact version of OJS are you using? (Please include this with your posts.)
Can you describe the conditions you want to use to limit the articles? You mentioned a plugin-specific setting; can you be more specific?
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Hi Alec,
I use OJS
My Plugin sets up a Pubid which is an internal identifier in our system. To get a List of all Articles having such a Id I can use
$dao = new DAO();
$sql = "select
setting_name = \"pub-id::other::xxx\"";
$res = $dao->retrieve($sql);
$box = $res->getAssoc();
The Articles get the ID while being imported to the OJS. But thats not important. Important that I need only the Articles which would be available as Fulltext when a user enters the page - in other words which would appear as PDF-Buttons in issue/issue.tpl in this part:
<td class="tocArticleGalleysPages{if $showCoverPage} showCoverImage{/if}">
<div class="tocGalleys">
{if $hasAccess || ($subscriptionRequired && $showGalleyLinks)}
{foreach from=$article->getGalleys() item=galley name=galleyList}
<a href="{url page="article" op="view" path=$articlePath|to_array:$galley->getBestGalleyId($currentJournal)}" {if $galley->getRemoteURL()}target="_blank" {/if}class="file">{$galley->getGalleyLabel()|escape}</a>
{if $subscriptionRequired && $showGalleyLinks && $restrictOnlyPdf}
{if $article->getAccessStatus() == $smarty.const.ARTICLE_ACCESS_OPEN || !$galley->isPdfGalley()}
<img class="accessLogo" src="{$baseUrl}/lib/pkp/templates/images/icons/fulltext_open_medium.gif" alt="{translate key="article.accessLogoOpen.altText"}" />
<img class="accessLogo" src="{$baseUrl}/lib/pkp/templates/images/icons/fulltext_restricted_medium.gif" alt="{translate key="article.accessLogoRestricted.altText"}" />
{if $subscriptionRequired && $showGalleyLinks && !$restrictOnlyPdf}
{if $article->getAccessStatus() == $smarty.const.ARTICLE_ACCESS_OPEN}
<img class="accessLogo" src="{$baseUrl}/lib/pkp/templates/images/icons/fulltext_open_medium.gif" alt="{translate key="article.accessLogoOpen.altText"}" />
<img class="accessLogo" src="{$baseUrl}/lib/pkp/templates/images/icons/fulltext_restricted_medium.gif" alt="{translate key="article.accessLogoRestricted.altText"}" />
The Context is a CLI-Script which I start with
Best Wishes,
Hi @paf,
The closest existing function is probably PublishedArticleDAO::getBySetting
. See that function in the API documentation.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Thanks. I ended up with a query like this:
published_articles as p_a
left join issues as i on i.issue_id = p_a.issue_id
left join articles as a on a.article_id = p_a.article_id
left join article_settings as a_s on p_a.article_id = a_s.article_id
left join journals as j on j.journal_id = a.journal_id
and i.published = 1
and j.enabled = 1
and (i.access_status = 1 or p_a.access_status = 1)
Just for those, who came here googling.