Has anybody integrated OJS with FidusWriter and what are your opinions about it? Does integration works still with OJS 3.2.?
Hi @milan88,
See: https://www.fiduswriter.org/ojs-integration/ and GitHub - fiduswriter/fiduswriter-ojs: A Fidus Writer plugin to connect to the Open Journal Systems (OJS)
This is being used/maintained, but I’m not sure it’s compatible with OJS 3.2 yet. @Johannes_Wilm, who is in charge of that project, is active on this forum and can probably answer best.
Alec Smecher
Public Knowledge Project Team
Yes, exactly. I keep the fiduswriter-ojs part up to date with current Fidus Writer and with the recently released Fidus Writer 3.8, there are now also integration tests to make sure that we don’t accidentally break the setup. But the integration on the OJS side [1] is only being updated to the latest OJS whenever I find the time for it. The most recent version has been tested with OJS 3.1.2. There has been a contribution from a Brazilian Fidus Writer contributor justa few days ago, so I am guessing there is someone there who is playing around with trying to improve it right now. You might want to contact them.
[1] GitHub - fiduswriter/ojs-fiduswriter: A Open Journal Systems (OJS) plugin to connect to Fidus Writer
Thanks @asmecher and @Johannes_Wilm! I have tried the last version of FidusWriter and it is great.
I really think pkp should concentrate more on it than on the Texture editor.
So, @Johannes_Wilm if I correctly understand OJS 3.2 support is coming?
It is not your primary objective for now but when we could expect it to be?
@milan88 Sorry, fro late reply. Unfortunately there is no general sponsor of the FIdus Wirter <=> OJS integration, so things are being fixed at irregular intervals whenever someone has an interest in getting something fixed. I am sorry, but I don’t know much more myself either.